My Journey Along the Narrow Way

Posts tagged ‘house’

Color My Life…

Recently, we decided to paint a few rooms in our house.  There is something about painting a room that quickly makes it look so much better.  Really, what else can you do to a room that costs so little (just a little paint and supplies) but makes such a tremendous impact?

That isn’t to say I like painting that much.  I actually kind of like painting the walls.  A lot.  I just hate the cleaning up and the trim.  A lot.

We actually have two bathrooms in our house which have evolved into the Girl’s Bathroom and the Boy’s Bathroom.  The Boy’s Bathroom was painted in 2007 during  our last painting frenzy but the Girl’s Bathroom hasn’t been painted since it was constructed probably 10 years ago.  And there was actually some door trim that never was painted previously.  We also had some nice scratch marks on the bottom of the door from when a doggie got locked in the bathroom all day when we were at work (poor baby).

So I picked a great color that I had been thinking about for a while called Aqua Bay by Behr.

It turned out GREAT and I love it.  The color is fantastic  So fun to wake up to every morning and get into the shower.  I am going to pair with it the a lot of orange accessories that just POP with it (which I already have but was the contrast color listed to go with the Aqua Mist).

Then, I got stalled.  I really didn’t want to do the trim.  And this is on the first room we are painting.

So we decided to de-stress ourselves for once.  In order to get this all done before our Christmas family get-together and avoid becoming so stressed about it that I end up hating it after it is done, we have hired someone to finish the trim and paint the rest of the rooms.  (Yay!!!  Thanks Phillip)

The other rooms we have decided to paint are the living room, dining room, and hall.  I have picked some great colors for the redo.

For the Living Room, I picked Asparagus Green. —->

<—-  For the Dining Room & Hall, I picked Dry Sea Grass.

Both will be painted with White trim.  I have already started scouring Pinterest for ideas to decorate and update.  I’m really excited because we haven’t been able to do a lot to the house in a while.  I’m so ready to get some updating done.

Next up, I’m thinking about painting some of the tables in my Living Room a distressed black.   The furniture is about the color of the Dry Sea Grass paint so I’m trying to decide if the black distressed would look good.

I can’t wait to see how all this turns out.  Comments/suggestions are certainly welcome.